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Each Kore comes with at least 2 network card :

  • One card dedicated to NaoNet network
  • One card or more dedicated to the communication with third party systems.


NaoNet is the network used by the K SYSTEM framework for the communication between the different products of Naostage. It uses the subnet 192.168.12.XXX.

Every Kore and Kapta have a fixed Ip address on this network, depending on their serial number.

Changing Ip address

You may need to add or modify the Ip address of the Kore to communicate with a third party system. To do so :

  • Open the
  • Choose
  • Modify the Ip address of the network card
  • Close the windows
  • Turn off and on the network card for the modification to be taken into account.

Do not forget to turn off and on the network card after any modification.

Otherwise the changes will not be taken into account.