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The modules allow Kratos to send and receive information from third party systems on the network.


To create a Module view, check the Layout organization section.


PSN module

PosiStageNet is a open protocol used to send and receive position information on the network. PSN uses a server/client architecture that transmit position information from different trackers connected to the server.

Kratos can send Targets information via PSN using a dedicated Module.


You can learn more about PSN on the PosiStageNet website.

OSC module

Open Sound Control is a protocol for networking multimedia devices for purposes such as musical performance or show control. OSC's advantages include interoperability, accuracy, flexibility and enhanced organization and documentation.

Kratos can send OSC messages using a dedicated Module and can also be controlled remotely via OSC (see KratOSC module).


You can learn more about OSC here.

KratOSC module

Kratos can be controlled remotely via OSC using a dedicated Module. This module is called KratOSC. After having created a KratOSC module, you can send Kratos OSC messages to control the show.


A list of possible interaction can be found on the KratOSC page.

GrandMA2 Telnet module

GrandMA2 is a lighting console from MA Lighting. You can send commands to a GrandMA2 console via Telnet using a dedicated Module. Theses commands can be triggered by Actions and will allow you to control Executors or Faders depending on your needs.


You can learn more about Telnet remote on GrandMA2 console here.


General controls

Name Description Image
Module list At the left of the view is the list of all the Modules of the show. img
Create module button At the bottom of the Module list, this button allows you to create a new Module. img
Delete module button At the top right of the view, the trash icon allows you to delete the selected Module. img
Info bar Displays the current state of the module. img
Name textfield Allows you to rename the selected Module. img
Enable module toggle Allows you to enable or disable the selected Module when needed. img
Logs check buttons Allows you to choose if the Module’s logs are displayed or not in the Message view. img
Data transfer rates Display the data transfer rates of the Module (receiving and sending). img

PSN module specific controls

Name Description Image
PSN server name textfield You can choose the name of the PSN server the third party system will see when connecting to the Ip address. img
PSN server Ip and port textfields The PSN protocol is transmitted as UDP multicast at address over the port 56565 by default. You can change theses parameters if needed. img
Output Ttl selection Allows you to change the "Time to live" (hop limit) parameter of the PSN network packets. img
Output data frequency selection Kratos sends position information via PSN at a frequency of 30 Hz. You can change this parameter if needed. img
Axis remapping parameters By default, Kratos sends the positions information via PSN according to its coordinate system. You can remap or invert the axis before sending the position by writing "X", "-X", "Y", "-Y", "Z" and "-Z" in the corresponding textfields. img
Only send valid Target toggle If enabled, Kratos will only send the position of Targets that are patched to a valid Tracker (or to a manual tracker). img

After setting up a PSN module, the position of all the Targets of the show will immediately be send via this module.

The PSN Id of each Target is visible at the right of the Target's name in the Target patcher view.

OSC module specific controls

Name Description Image
Output Enable toggle Allows to enable of disable the output of the OSC Module. img
Output Ip and Port textfields Allows to fill in the Ip address and the port of the station the Modules has to send information to. img
Input Enable toggle Allows to enable of disable the input of the OSC Module. img
Input Ip and Port textfields Allows to fill in the Ip address and the port that the Module has to listen to. img

At this stage no Kratos Action can receive OSC from the OSC module. This feature will be available in a future release.

After setting up an OSC module, you will need to create an Action to send the positions of the desired Targets via this module.

KratOSC module specific controls

Name Description Image
Input Enable toggle Allows to enable of disable the input of the KratOSC Module. img
Input Ip and Port textfields Allows to fill in the Ip address and the port that the Module has to listen to. img
Output Enable toggle If enabled Kratos will stream it's state via OSC with a chosen frequency. img
Output Ip and Port textfields Allows to fill in the Ip address and the port of the station the Modules has to send information to. img
Feedback period Allows to change the frequency at which the Kratos state is streamed. img

GrandMA2 module specific controls

Name Description Image
Station Ip and Port textfields Allows to fill in the console’s Ip address and port.
Telnet connection on GrandMA2 consoles uses the port 30000. We recommend not to change this setting.
User name and Password textfields Allows to fill in the user name and password of the console’s session. img

We recommend creating a specific user for Kratos in the GrandMA2 console. This user should have admin rights.

Modules status

The status of a module can be monitored on the info bar of a module when it is selected. The info bar will display the exact status of the module and a color code will give you a quick overview of the module’s state :

  • Green : The module is running and working properly
  • Blue : Kratos is establishing the connection to the third party system
  • Red : The connection to the third party system is lost


You can also monitor all the modules status in the module list on the left side of the view. The color code is the following :

  • img Green : Connection is established
  • img Orange : Kratos is trying to connect
  • img Red : Connection is lost


You can learn more about the different status and their meaning on the modules status page.