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Naostage is constantly expanding it's Script library, making more and more third-party systems compatible with Kratos thanks to dedicated Actions.

If you want your system or product to be added to our ecosystem with custom compatible Scripts, please contact us at


As we are expanding our Script library, we are constantly adding new categories : for every new third-party system we create Scripts for, a category is added. This way, you can easily find the Scripts you need.

Here is a list of the current categories available :

You can sort the table for a better visibility by clicking on the column titles.

Logo Category Compatible category names Kratos minimum compatible version
img Kratos kratos, intern v1.3.52
img PSN psn v1.3.52
img OSC osc v1.3.52
img GrandMA2 grandma2, gma2 v1.3.52
img DS100 ds100, ds20, d&b v1.3.52
img KratOSC kratosc v1.3.52
img L-ISA l-isa, lisa, l-acoustics, l acoustics v1.3.52
img ADM-OSC adm-osc, adm, admosc, adm osc v1.3.52
img Documentation documentation, doc, example, examples v1.3.52
img GrandMA3 grandma3, gma3 v1.3.59
img Space Hub coda, coda audio, space hub, spacehub v1.3.59
img Eos eos, etc v1.3.59
img ChamSys chamsys, cham sys, Magicq v1.3.59
img Smode smode v1.3.59
img Fletcher Machine adamson, fletcher machine, fletcher v1.6.0
img Ness apg, ness v1.6.0
img Vectorworks vectorworks v1.6.0
img AFC afc, yamaha, afc image, afc image editor, afc image processor, afc image controller, DME7, DME10 v1.8.10
img SPAT Revolution spat, spat revolution, flux v1.8.10
img Spacemap Go spacemap, spacemap go, meyer, meyer sound v1.8.10

Scripts library

Updated Script library comes with every new version of Kratos.

When updating to a newer version of Kratos, you can update your show's Script library by clicking on the "Update Script(s) with latest release" button.

The latest Script library includes :

You can sort the table for a better visibility by clicking on the column titles.

Script Category Description Version
Target position ADM-OSC Send a Target's Cartesian coordinates via ADM-OSC 1
Target position AFC Send a Target's coordinate via OSC 1
All params Documentation List of all parameters usable in a script 1
Enabled param Documentation Example of the use of the "enabled" property on a parameter 1
Target overlap Documentation Example of the use of the overlap functions of an Action Area 1
Target position DS100 Send a Target's coordinates via OSC 1
Target position Eos Send a Target's position via OSC 2
Target position Fletcher Send a Target's Cartesian coordinates via ADM-OSC 1
Any target in area GMA2 Send custom messages when any Target is entering an Area, with a time debounce 1
Auto dimmer GMA2 Automatically dim a fader when a Target is outside Action Areas On or is inside Action Areas Off 1
Auto dimmer any Tracker GMA2 Turn a fader On if any Tracker is inside an area and Off if no Trackers are inside this area 1
Auto focus GMA2 Manage the Zoom ans Focus channels of a fixture in function of a Target's position. Can also manage the Dimmer 1
Command on swap GMA2 Send two commands separed by a user-defined delay when a Target is swapped between two Trackers 1
Control fader GMA2 Control a fader via Kratos interface 1
Faders dimmer zoom focus GMA2 Access 3 faders (dimmer, zoom , focus) via Kratos interface 1
Relative position to fader GMA2 Control faders based on the relative position of a Target in an Area 1
Send command GMA2 Send a command via Kratos interface 1
Target in Area GMA2 Send custom commands when a Target is entering/leaving an Area 1
Target in Area - Executor GMA2 Send custom commands to a choosen Executor when a Target is entering/leaving an Area 1
Validity to fader GMA2 Control a fader in function of the validity of a Target 1
X Y mapping plus dimmer GMA2 Control 2 faders in function of the relative X and Y positions of a Target in an Area. Manage another fader when the Target is entering/leaving the Area 1
Auto dimmer GMA3 Automatically dim a fader when a Target is outside Action Areas On or is inside Action Areas Off 1
Command on swap GMA3 Send two commands separed by a user-defined delay when a Target is swapped between two Trackers 1
Control fader GMA3 Control a fader via Kratos interface 1
Faders dimmer zoom focus GMA3 Access 3 faders (dimmer, zoom , focus) via Kratos interface 1
Relative position to fader GMA3 Control faders based on the relative position of a Target in an Area 1
Send command GMA3 Send a command via Kratos interface 1
Target in area GMA3 Send custom commands when a Target is entering/leaving an Area 1
Target in Area - Executor GMA3 Send custom commands to a choosen Executor when a Target is entering/leaving an Area 1
Validity to fader GMA3 Control a fader in function of the validity of a Target 1
X Y mapping plus dimmer GMA3 Control 2 faders in function of the relative X and Y positions of a Target in an Area. Manage another fader when the Target is entering/leaving the Area 1
Assign Target to Tracker Kratos Button to assign a Target to a Tracker 1
Auto assign Target Kratos Use an Action Area to automatically assign a Tracker to a desired Target 4
Auto assign Trackers in area Kratos Auto assign Trackers in an area to a predefined number Targets 1
Control Multiple Areas Kratos Control multiple areas visibility and enabled status with a single action 1
Copy Target's Tracker Kratos Link the source Target's Tracker to the destination Target, copy manual position if manual 2
Release tracking Kratos Allows to release a Target from it's current Tracker 2
Release tracking to predefined position Kratos Allows to release a Target from it's current Tracker and switch to manual tracking with a predefined position 2
Set Target position when going to manual Kratos Set the position of a Target when it switches to manual tracking 1
Target position L-ISA Send a Target's X, Y and Z coordinates via OSC 1
Target position NESS Send a Target's X, Y and Z coordinates via OSC. Also update the name and color of the corresponding source in NESS 1
Any Target in Area OSC Send custom messages when any Target is entering an Area, with a time debounce 3
Send Float OSC Send a OSC message containing a Float via Kratos interface 1
Send Int OSC Send a OSC message containing an Int via Kratos interface 1
Send message OSC Send a OSC message without argument 1
Send String OSC Send a OSC message containing a String via Kratos interface 1
Send Target Pose OSC Send target pose (skeleton) over OSC 1
Send Target position OSC Send a Target's position via OSC 4
Target in Area OSC Send custom messages when a Target is entering/leaving an Area 3
Tracker count in Area OSC Send the number of Trackers present in an Action Area 2
Trackers in area OSC Send custom messages when Trackers are in an Area or not 1
Target position Space Hub Send a Target's Cartesian coordinates via ADM-OSC 1
Target position Spacemap Send a Target's X and Y coordinates via OSC using dedicated messages or the ADM-OSC protocol 1
Target position SPAT Send a Target's Cartesian coordinates via ADM-OSC 1