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A large part of the Kratos API is accessible via OSC. This allows you to remotely control Kratos parameters from any third-party systems that can send OSC commands.

For Kratos to be able to receive OSC commands, you must first need to create a KratOSc Module.

This document describes the OSC address patterns used to control Kratos parameters.


URI: /kratos/modules/<module_name>/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
connected int 0 1 r Is module connected
description string r Module description
enabled int 0 1 r/w Enable or disable the Module
info_message string r Module status message

Module Parameters

URI: /kratos/modules/<module_name>/parameters/<parameter>

PSN Module Parameters

parameter argument min max read/write
offset float,float,float r/w
output_frequency float r
output_ip string r/w
output_name string r/w
output_port int r/w
output_send_only_valid int 0 1 r/w
output_ttl int r/w
x_remap string r/w
y_remap string r/w
z_remap string r/w
tx_bytes_per_second int r

OSC Module Parameters

parameter argument min max read/write
input_address string r/w
input_enabled int 0 1 r/w
input_port int r/w
output_address string r/w
output_enabled int 0 1 r/w
output_port int r/w
rx_bytes_per_second int r
tx_bytes_per_second int r
feedback_period_ms (only for KratOSC) int r

Action Group

URI: /kratos/action_groups/<action_group_name>/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
enabled int 0 1 r/w Enable or disable the ActionGroup


URI: /kratos/action_groups/<action_group_name>/actions/<action_name>/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
enabled int 0 1 r/w Enable or disable the Action

Action Parameters

URI: /kratos/action_groups/<action_group_name>/actions/<action_name>/parameters/<parameter>

Action Area

URI: /kratos/action_areas/<action_area_name>/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
enabled int 0 1 r/w Enable or disable the ActionArea
visible int 0 1 r/w Set ActionArea visible
position float,float,float r/w Set ActionArea position in meters
rotation float,float,float r/w Set ActionArea rotation in degrees
scale float,float,float r/w Set ActionArea position scale


URI: /kratos/targets/<target_name>/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
prediction int 0 5000 r/w Set Target prediction in ms
prediction_samples int 0 5000 r/w Set Target sample prediction
smoothing int 0 5000 r/w Set Target smoothing in ms
mode2d bool r/w Set the target in 2D mode
manualZ float -10 10 r/w Set Target Manual Z in meter
manual bool r/w Set Target Manual control
position float,float,float r/w Set Target position
color float,float,float r/w Set Target color


URI: /kratos/kapta/<kapta_name>/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
connected bool r Is Kapta connected
address string r Kapta Ip Address
port int 1024 65535 r Kapta Port
bandwidth int 0 2147483648 r Network bandwidth in byte / seconds
temperature float r Temperature in °C

Kapta - Camera

URI: /kratos/kapta/<kapta_name>/cameras/<camera_name>/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
enabled bool r Connect/Disconnect from Kapta
connected bool r Is Camera connected
fps float 0 r Measured Camera fps
bandwidth int 0 2147483648 r USB bandwidth in byte / seconds
temperature float r Temperature in °C


URI: /kratos/uwb/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
kit_name string r/w Set BeaKon Kit Name
use_main_eliko_server bool r/w Set Use main eliko server


URI: /kratos/timecode/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
enabled bool r/w Enable LTC input
playback_enabled bool r/w Enable playback input
connected bool r Timecode is being received


URI: /kratos/kore/<property>

property argument min max read/write description
restart no argument w Restart Kore software