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We are thrilled to introduce Kratos version 1.5, a milestone that brings exciting features and enhancements to elevate your video editing and production experience. The star of this release is the all-new Mask Page, offering a powerful toolset for editing masks on videos. Dive into the details below and discover how Kratos v1.5 empowers you to create, edit, and manage masks seamlessly.

Mask Page

The major feature of this release is the new Mask page. This page allows you to edit masks on videos. You can create new masks, edit existing ones, and delete them.


This new view can be accessed from the kapta view, with the new mask button. It can also be accessed from the show explorer with the "Edit masks" button.

Kapta View improvements

Display masks on video

Coming with the mask page, the kapta view now displays masks on the video. This allows you to see the masks you created in the mask page.


This can be disabled from the show explorer explorer if required. The opacity of the mask and the color can also be changed.

Display action areas on video

Action areas can now be overlayed on top of the video. This helps you position them with extra accuracy.


This can be enabled per kapta view.

Rectify the video

You can now rectify the video image. This removes the distortion of the camera lens. This is useful to see everything "flat" and make action areas look nicer.


Target View

Enable/Disable Z lock



This new release comes with new actions for GrandMa3 and ETC EOS.






Multiple new actions for immersive and interactive shows are available, like the Auto assign Trackers in area that auto assign Trackers in an area to a predefined number of Targets