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We're thrilled to announce the release of Kratos v1.6! This version brings you the ability to simulate Beakon, the convenience of accessing the Eliko dashboard right within Kratos, and the power to save and restore scroll in the target patcher. Plus, we've rolled out new actions and significantly improved our documentation for connecting with third-party systems. Get ready to explore these fantastic updates and more!

Kratos features

Simulate Beakon

You can now simulate BeaKon in Kratos using the Simulator. This will allow you to test the behavior of your whole setup without needing the actors to be present.

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Open eliko dashboard inside Kratos

You can now access the Eliko dashboard (BeaKon and anchor configuration) within Kratos ! It is accessible in the Beakon section of the Show Explorer.

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Documentation is now accessible in Kratos

Documentation can now be accessed directly from Kratos and it will also work offline.

Save and restore scroll in target patcher

The scroll position in the target patcher is now saved and restored per target patcher. This will allow you to keep your focus on the targets you are working on.

Updating Kapta's parameters doesn't restart Kore anymore

We fixed a bug where updating a Kapta's parameters (AGC or Masks) would restart Kore. Now, updating these parameters won't restart Kore, allowing you to keep your tracking pipeline running smoothly.

Documentation updates

We've significantly improved our documentation to help you connect Kratos with third-party systems. Here's what's new:

Coordinate systems

We introduced a new section that explains the coordinate systems used in Kratos, and in the different third-party systems it may be connected to. This will help you understand how to set up your show and connect it to other systems by aligning the coordinate systems.

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GrandMA3 Tutorial

We've introduced a tutorial about Kratos trakcing integration with GrandMA3, enabling followspot tracking. We've also documented OSC interconnection between Kratos and GrandMA3, to enable bi-directionnal control capabilities.

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MagicQ Tutorial

We've added tutorials to help you connect Kratos with MagicQ and perform followspot tracking.

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New actions

We've added new actions to help you control your show better. Here's what's changed:

Kratos actions

Control Multiple Areas

This action allows you to control multiple areas at once. You can now select multiple areas and control their parameters (Enable, Visibility) at once.

Assign Target to Tracker

This action allows you to assign a target to a predefined tracker.

GrandMA3 actions


This action allow you to automatically control the value of a fader when tracking a target.

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Target Overlap Executor

The action was not sending a correct GrandMA3 command, it is now fixed.